PEW Enameled Aluminum Wire Class F

    Insulation: Basecoat: THEIC-modified polyester or polyesterimide; Overcoat: Polyamide-imide
    MOQ: 300kg – 500kg, free sample, some size one spool about 27kg – 30kg in factory stock
    UL approval: Class: 200
    Type: Double coated Rectangular
    Size: 2.24X5mm
    Specifications: IEC 60317-73

    Enameled Aluminum Wire Double Rectangular  2.24X5mm Specifications: IEC 60317-73

    Rectangular enamelled conductor of aluminium Properties:
    – High heat resistance
    – Allows lightweight designs
    – Very good resistance to transformer oil
    – Very good resistance to typical solvent
    – Freon resistant

    UL approval: Class: 200
    UL-file no: E506231

    Field of application:
    – Oil-filled transformers
    Dry transformers
    – Small transformers
    – Welding transformers

    Basecoat: THEIC-modified polyester or polyesterimide
    Overcoat: Polyamide-imide

    Shelf life:
    10 years, under normal ambient conditions

    Conductor material: EN 1715 – EN AW1370 [Al 99.7]

    Aluminium Wire For Windings

    Conductor corner radius

    Nominal thickness of conductor (mm) corner radius(mm) Tolerance
    over Up to and including
    1.00 0.5 nominal thickness +/-25%
    1.00 1.60 0.50 +/-25%
    1.60 2.24 0.65 +/-25%
    2.24 3.55 0.80 +/-25%
    3.55 5.60 1.00 +/-25%

    Conductor Tolerance

    Nominal width or thickness of the conductor (mm) Tolerance
    over Up to and including
    3.15 0.030
    3.15 6.30 0.050
    6.30 12.50 0.070
    12.5 16.00 0.100

    Properties for Double Enameled Rectangular Aluminum Wire

    Main characteristics Test method Interval Acceptance criteria Test values for a double grader 200 AL sample(8.00*3.00)
    Thermal properties
    Heat shock
    IEC 60851 ‐ 6.3 All sizes ≥ 220°C, 6 x T ≥ 220°C, 6 xT
    Temperature index IEC 60172 1) ≥ 200°C2) ≥ 200°C2)
    Electrical properties
    Conductor resistance
    IEC 60851 ‐ 5.3 3) 0,02817 Ωmm²/m 0,02817 Ωmm²/m
    Conductivity 1/R 3) > 35,5 m/(Ωmm²) > 35,5 m/(Ωmm²)
    Breakdown voltage IEC 60851 ‐ 5.4 All sizes 2,0 kV 4,2 kV
    Mechanical properties
    ‐ Bending edgewise
    ‐ Bending flatwise
    IEC 60851‐3.5 width ≤ 10 mm
    width > 10 mm
    4 x width
    5 x width
    3 x width
    4 x width
    All sizes 4 x thickness 3 x thickness
    ‐Cut and stretch
    IEC 60851‐3.5 All sizes 10 % stretch, Loss of adhesion ˂ 1 x width 15 % stretch

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