Listing Enameled Winding Wire Test IEC60815
Listing Enameled Winding Wire Test IEC60815, 20 type tests, LP indUstry does these test to ensure quality of enameled winding wire, just enameled aluminum wire and enameled copper wire
Test 4: Dimensions
Test 5: Electrical resistance;
Test 6: Elongation
Test 7: Springiness
Test 8: Flexibility and adherence
Test 9: Heat shock (applicable to enamelled wire and tape wrapped wire)
Test 10*: Cut-through (applicable to enamelled wire with a nominal conductor diameter over 0,100 mm up to and including 1,600 mm and tape wrapped round wire)
Test 11*: Resistance to abrasion (applicable to enamelled round wire)
Test 12: Resistance to solvents;
Test 13: Breakdown voltage
Test 14: Continuity of insulation(applicable to enamelled round and tape wrapped round wire)
Test 15*:Temperature index
Test 16: Resistance to refrigerants;
Test 17: Solderability;
Test 18: Heat or solvent bonding (applicable to enamelled round wire with a nominal conductor diameter over 0,050 mm up to and including 2,000 mm and to enamelledrectangular wire)
Test 19*: Dielectric dissipation factor (applicable to enamelled round wire and bunched wire)
Test 20: Resistance to transformer oil
Test 21*: Loss of mass (applicable to enamelled round wire)
Test 22*: High-temperature failure test(applicable to enamelled round wire)
Test 23: Pin hole test